Monday, April 7, 2014

Little mess maker

Colin likes to take books off shelves. It's kinda funny. It's the first thing he wants to do when he goes into Connor's room. If we're cleaning Connor's room and I put all the books back on the shelf, Colin will follow me and try to take them all off. He isn't just going for one or two books. He takes ALL of them off. I've had to start blocking the shelf with things. There is currently a bean bag chair in front of it. If the shelf is unblocked, Colin immediately notices and tries to get the books off. He's so determined too. I try to distract him with toys, but it never works. Such a mess maker!


I was at the store with Connor a few weeks ago. We were only going for a few things, so I was moving fast. I kept repeating what we needed so I wouldn't forget. I was going through the list...apples, bananas, cereal and Connor chimes in "cheese". I just laughed and said "Cheese? We don't need cheese". Connor says "yes, cheese". Again, I laughed and said "No way!" Connor follows me with "Yes Jose". It was hilarious. I love that boy!!